Monday, February 2, 2015

Feb. 2, 2015

so this week was crazy! on tuesday the assistants called us and told us that my comp was going to be leaving to work in Chihuahua because he needs to be closer to the dentist for his teeth problems. so i was like alright cool ill get a new comp. and then the assistant called me later that night and told me that my comp had changes and i was like yeah i know...and then he said that our new district leader that had just got here last week also had changes. that he was going to leave and that i was going to be the new district leader. i was like...uhmmm....wut? haha but it was great because my new comp got here and it turns out that we are co district leaders. my new companion is named Elder Carachure. and he is from California and has like 5 months in the mission. his parents are both Mexican so he has the blood....but he just didn't speak Spanish before, so he is still learning. but he has an awesome attitude and is super happy and positive. 

we have been working super hard but haven't been able to work much in our actual area this week. between all the meetings and baptismal interviews this week plus the fact that i had to go to Chihuahua for my immigration papers, well we just worked yesterday and saturday. but this week we are going to have a baptism on saturday for IsaĆ­ and AbisaĆ­, they are Mari Elena´s two sons. she is the lady that got baptized just a month ago. so we are super excited and also working with another family so that they can also get baptized this month.

well everything is going really well. I've been working literally harder than i ever have before in the mission. i have set some new personal goals to do more and it has been a  HUGE difference. i have been working my tail off haha. but its great. i really love this work. i honestly just want it to last longer. haha so I'm trying to take advantage of the time i have left. thanks to all of you and for all your support and prayers! i wish you all a great week!

Love Elder Glenn

Leadership meeting this week
                        the district before changes left last week

                                      With Mari Elena and her kids :)

Her sons that will be baptized soon.
                                       Abigail is just a crazy little girl, ahahah

Jan. 27, 2015

so today is my birthday! haha its a great day. this last week was pretty tough because i only got to work one day. on Tuesday we went to Chihuahua for my comps wisdom teeth, and then i got sick and couldn't work the next day, or the next one....or Friday. but i worked on Saturday and Sunday. but it was just super crummy and my throat hurt a lot and i was coughing a ton. but that's all over so I'm happy!!!

i feel weird to be 22 now. but I'm very happy to see how far i have come in recent years. the Lord really has changed my life completely. i feel confident, yet humbled. i feel ready to take on this next year and become more like He wants. thanks to all who have supported me and helped keep me going! i hope everyone has a great week this week! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA!!! :):):):) i know i have always been your favorite birthday present ever ;)

Elder Glenn
Jan. 19, 2015

so transfer calls came in last and E. Gonzalez are staying together a little longer i guess! I'm good with that because we have a bunch of baptisms programmed for February! including Mari Elena´s two sons. so there is lots of work to do and I'm super stoked to do it.

so for several weeks now we have had some super high goals but have yet to reach this week my companion and i were determined to reach them. no matter what happened we were gonna do it. so we set the goals high and ¡trabajamos como negros! we worked super hard lol. our goal for the week on contacts (people that we just meet and talk to and get their address to go visit them) was 70! and we got 71 for the week. we also over passed ALL of our other goals. it was really really awesome. and that is considering the fact that two of the days we could only work less than half of the day. it was REALLY refreshing honestly. working that much and that hard and just focusing on others doesn't leave any time to think about yourself. so at the end of he day i was just exhausted and super content.

BUT even more rewarding was when Sunday came. now ill just let you all know that when i got here in Saucillo every week there was about 20-25 people in attendance at church. NOW yesterday, about 4 1/2 months later there were 60 people at church! talk about WOW. i had never seen this little branch SO FULL. there were legit no seat vacant. it was so cool. the spirit there was so strong and it was great because we also had 8 investigators there and we have successfully reactivated three families that we inactive and just a ton of stuff. it was really really special and the spirit that was felt in that sacrament meeting was unlike anything else. i felt so blessed to be apart of it. the Lord really can do amazing things with us if we are humble enough.

Also there was this super awesome experience i had. so about a week and a half ago today, we had a zone conference. we needed another BOM so i grabbed one and was just carrying it with me in my hand on the way home. we had a 50 minute bus ride to get home and i sat down next to this teenage boy. the bus was packed, and i felt the prompting to talk to this young man.....but for whatever reason i didn't. i kept justifying my thoughts by saying "well my other companions are here and sitting by him too, they should contact him". so i sat there and waited....about 10 minutes later i felt this prompting again but stronger, and i then started thinking about other things and started getting sad, then i remembered something my mission president had told me earlier that week in an interview; that if i start feeling bad for myself and think about unimportant things that don't pertain to the mission work, the only way to fix it is to work. so i made the resolve to talk to this boy. so i just talked to him a little bit, just chit chat. and then i asked him if he had heard about los momones before. we got talking and i ended up giving him a brief history of the Book of Mormon and he said he would really like to read it so i told him "i normally don't just give this book out to anyone that i meet on the street, but i feel the impression to give it to you. because God want you to read it because it will bless you more than you can imagine." so he took it. i got his address and phone number and then he got off the bus. well he happens to be in the other elder´s area that are in my district. but then the coolest part was that i had set up an appointment for the next day for them to come back and visit him and he actually texted them that afternoon and rescheduled for the next week for some family issues. so then this last week they came back and met with him. and you wanna know what? he had read everything up through all of the first book of Nephi. when the other elders told me that i was blown away. God really has prepared people to receive this message. i just need to be a more willing servant to listen to His promptings!

Well that's all folks! sorry for the wall of text! have a great week!

Elder Glenn