this week was CRAZINESS! so i started off the week a little bummed because i just filled up my 16 gb SD card that has my entire mission of photos on it and i changed it out of my camera for a new one that i have and....guess what....i lost it! yeah i was pretty bummed on Monday not gonna lie. but then on tuesday in the morning i realized something....that i can let this get to me and be bummed...or i can just be happy and do God´s work with a heart full of gratitude for all that i have. i know i know that sounds super lame. but its serious. i cant tell you guys how many times in my life i have heard of people who had lost keys or something and then prayed and then they found them....and i cant tell you how many times i have lost something, prayed and...never found it. seriously. i have been like mangos! no existe tal cosa! that's all just rubbish. BUT on tuesday when i prayed i just really prayed con faith....i knew that it was lost and that i probably wouldn't ever see those pictures again...but i knew that that wasn't the end of the world either, and that i had a job to do and this last week of the month we had a ton of work to do, so i asked the Lord that if it was His will that i could somehow come back into possession of the SD card, but that either way i was going to just work hard and be happy for all that i do have. so i did. and then just yesterday i got a call from our ZL in Parral and he said that he was walking down a random street and he found an SD card and when he went home and looked at the pictures they were all of me....i was speechless.....actually that isn't true i was yelling and freaking out and just could not believe it. haha it was seriously the coolest thing ever. i totally don't deserve it but the Lord is SOOOOOO merciful and loving. the power of prayer is REAL. and when we forget ourselves and serve others He blesses us immensely!
so that's just the i insignificant part of the week. like i know it was a SUPER HUGE blessing for me, but other things happened that were FAR more important, that was just a tender mercy from the Lord and a cool little experience i wanted to share. so about a year ago i was teaching this girl in Parral that is named Carla. she was awesome and always wanted to get baptized but she wasn't married to the man she was living with...and he was a tool and not coo at all. well turns out a couple of weeks ago she left him and came to Valle to live with her mom and guess what!? she got baptized this week! it was such a cool experience being able to teach her and help the Lord in blessing her in this time so crucial in her life. and it was such a great service, the spirit was so strong. then on saturday Nayeli and Gerardo got baptized and they were the last ones to complete their entire family Carvajal! we are super content and happy. AND we have another family that is super cool that is progressing like crazy, they mom told us on saturday that she needed to go to church so that she could have peace and happiness in her soul. i was like wow this lady really gets it. and they said they want to get baptized and so these next couple weeks that should be happening.
above all it was just a killer week! i was super happy and i just loved every minute of it even with all the challenges we had to overcome and stuff, it was really great and i learned a lot. i love love love the Lord and His enabling power. He has helped me SO MUCH in these past couple weeks overcome weaknesses and become a stronger individual. i have realized though how COMPLETELY useless i am without Him. i love how Paul puts it in 2 Corinthians 12:7-9. it has helped me be more humble and realize that ALL that i am and ANY good that come from that i do is ONLY thanks to HIM and HIS grace. how amazing He is. i love Him and i know that these things are true. i love you all and i hope that this can be a killer week for everyone!!!
Elder Glenn
mi chici niƱo!! EDUARDO he cant wait to be a missionary! super strong with
less than a month as a member
La familia Carvajal
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